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Photo du rédacteurCréations Lunaires

Body anthem

Dernière mise à jour : 30 sept. 2020

You are close baby

Close to another... number

And yet

You are disappointed

Oh come on

he was 72

feeding you misery

Dressed up in its finest hour

and darkest attire

Through all the shades of those

Lovely fierce women




And yes with them

you stayed

prayed and poached

I mean


in terms of fair game

But now

you are alone

On your bathroom floor

Jaw clenched

Another number closer

And yet

You brought hers to a pause


We did it all the way



For now

Was it Worth it


It’s late

Sleep right?

We all gained and lost in sharing

Another memory formed


braking evenly

As we race to the finish line

Another coffee is poured

Mama sits next to me

Holds my hand

And her breath

Her cries a little less loud

Her heart a little more broken

Denial she wails

My walls tremble

I wish I could wash away HER ache

But that would wash away HER

And when she hurts I hurt

We smile with eyes filled like wells

Shall we?

As we sip our coffee and take our

Whole mess of ness

to the world


mother daughter seasons

Chiara Gladden

Chiara cherche à lier son corps à la nature par l'entremise de l'écriture. Comme si les trois pôles - corps, nature et écriture - détenaient une relation intrinsèque qu'elle voulait démystifier, pas pour s'en emparer mais pour mieux circuler dans cet univers à la fois intime et mystique. Qui l'appelle terriblement.

Le projet avance pas à pas. À suivre pour les débordements.

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